This is the second to last thing to look at, (sources are last). If you have not seen everything else go back. I’m not a computer wiz, this took me awhile. No shortcuts >:( 

All the dates, events, and people that we went over in class I pretty much knew. Basically coming out of this semester, there are three main things that I’m going to be taking away from this class.

  1. I Learned How to do History. That history is not only dates, events, and people, but it involves a community. A community that all contributes their different points of view so that they can create a picture of what happened, while retaining their own separate views. As well the community connects all their different fields to see how each field influenced the outcome of the others.
  2. I Learned About Primary and Secondary Sources. The differences between them and how much time can affect stories. Comparing one primary and secondary sources I noticed that they both have different interpretations of what happened. Primary was written at the time, but it is not always true, as it is only one picture. Nevertheless, while doing history projects from now on I will be referencing both types of sources so I can retain as much about the event as possible. As well when looking through other authors references I will be sure to look for both types of sources.
  3. I Learned How to Connect. Not only did I learn how to investigate historic events and find how they influenced each other, I learned to connect my own work to others. Now that I have started in the scholarly world of writing I contributing my work to others in a never ending debate. My work connects with others and theirs connects with mine. I can not block out other writers voices, I need to listen and see how it connects to mine so that we can fill in the blanks to the big picture.

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